World Be Warned Bible Interpretation And Teaching

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“Vladimir Putin Is The Antichrist”

A Christian Religious Scholar Scientist Finds A Startling Bible Study

I was reading the Book of Revelation recently when I came across this passage from Revelation 13:18, “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

My Bible added in the side note that “One early manuscript reads 616,” a fact I had verified independently much earlier.

After many times reading the Book of Revelation, for the very first time I specifically prayed to God for the wisdom to understand this passage. Shortly thereafter, I supernaturally was told the title of this piece, “Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist.” Yet, I did not know from whom this statement came, so I prayerfully researched and studied it, and here is what I did and found. I am writing in this much detail so that others can redo my work themselves and verify what I have found.

First of all, the number of his name, the beast, is either six-hundred-sixty-six or six-hundred-sixteen, not 6-6-6 or 6-1-6, though the 6's are definitely significant. Each of the letters of the Biblical Hebrew Alphabet represents a number.

The letters can combine to make larger numbers by a given convention. In Biblical Hebrew there are no vowels, only consonants, so I did not supply English vowels to this work (though some Hebrew letters can have a vowel function).

The process of representing the letter of one alphabet by its corresponding letter in another alphabet is called transliteration, though not all letters can be transliterated directly for all alphabets.

In the time of the writing of the Book of Revelation by the Apostle John, Koine Greek was the language of commerce and international trade used throughout the Roman Empire of the first century AD. Virtually all of our New Testament was originally written in the Koine Greek of that day. Today in 2016, American English corresponds to the Koine Greek of the first century AD in that American English is the present language of commerce, technology, and international trade all over this world. Our present world economy is denominated in American dollars.

These simple facts, and not arrogance, led me to investigate using American English in 2016 as the target language for the transliteration from the Biblical Hebrew. The reason Biblical Hebrew is involved is that, when the Apostle John recorded the number of the beast in Koine Greek as mentioned above, it was possible to see it as based on the Biblical Hebrew rendering of the name of Nero Caesar. This possibility has been recognized for centuries. Caesar Neron is a historically recognized variant of the Hebrew spelling for Caesar Nero. It is also a historically recognized variant that the number of the beast mentioned by the Apostle John can also add up to six-hundred-sixteen as well as six-hundred-sixty-six, as noted above.

It is readily accepted that the Biblical Hebrew letters at the time of John's writing that spell out Caesar Neron add up to six-hundred-sixty-six. It is also readily accepted that the Biblical Hebrew letters at the time of John's writing that spell out Caesar Nero add up to six-hundred-sixteen.

My first step after researching these matters was to decide to use the Biblical Hebrew letters that transliterated into American English in 2016 that added up to either of the two totals from Revelation.

My next step was to recognize that John the Apostle had included the title as well as the name in his report of the number of the beast, not just 'Nero,' but 'Caesar Nero.' I then remembered that in Biblical Hebrew, the letter vav ( ו) has the numerical value of 6 and also can act as a conjunction like 'and' to join two parts. I checked with the original spelling of Caesar Nero and Caesar Neron in Biblical Hebrew and found that in fact the Hebrew vav could indeed function as an 'and' in the original Hebrew designations, while still keeping its numerical value of 6. This would look like this: KSRandNRN=six-hundred-sixty-six or KSRandNR=six-hundred-sixteen.

Note that these ancient identifications of the beast as Caesar Nero involve a total of either 7 or 6 original Hebrew letters, as just demonstrated: KSRandNRN has only seven letters and KSRandNR has only six. To encourage you to persevere through this lengthy introduction, know that my work you will see shortly yielded anywhere from 15 original Hebrew letters to 23 original Hebrew letters, most of which actually clearly spelled out both names and titles. This is in comparison to the either 6 or 7 Hebrew letters referred to as identifying the beast that has been accepted from antiquity.

To the best of my knowledge, I am the first person to use the Hebrew vav as essentially a plus sign in determining the number of a name like this while still counting it in the total number for that name. For this work, I chose to represent this 'Hebrew and' with an underscore, so the resulting transliterated English words and phrases are separated by the underscore where the original Hebrew letters that correspond to them have this sort of 'connective vav.'

My next step was to decide I would only report letters that transliterated directly from Biblical Hebrew to my American English in 2016, as described before, again without using vowels. Put another way, I deliberately chose to use only the Hebrew consonant forms and deliberately chose not to use them as vowels.

To help distinguish between the numerical repetitions of 6-6-6 and 6-1-6 and the actual numbers “six-hundred-sixty-six” and “six-hundred-sixteen,” I have decided to notate the actual numbers as 6hundred6ty6ix and 6hundred6teen, respectively, to remind the reader that these are what are intended and not just the number repetitions. I have also purposely misspelled the written numbers by adding extra hyphens so that they stand out better to the native English reading eye. By the way, you may find it interesting that www transliterates to 6-6-6 in Biblical Hebrew, so all worldwide web addresses start with 6-6-6, including this one.

I had to do my work presuming that this part of the Book of Revelation was prophetically prepared over 1900 years ago to speak to this very moment in space and time as you are reading this.

Remembering Hebrew is written and read from right-to-left meant that once I had formed the Hebrew letter sequences I then had to reverse the transliterated words and phrases to make them correspond to my today's English.

Finally, I did not and have not attempted to read the Hebrew letter sequences for how they may read or what they may mean in Biblical Hebrew: I was not tasked to do so and am hardly the best qualified to do so. I leave it to the Lord to put them into the hands of those He wants them placed. I also want as many people as possible to check my work, thus I have, in essence, recorded these “instructions” for others to follow if they wish.

Given all this, I proceeded to find names and titles that met all these criteria. In summary: 1) I have found the following Hebrew letter sequences that result in names and phrases that add up exactly to either six-hundred-sixty-six or six-hundred-sixteen. 2) I have purposefully transliterated Biblical Hebrew to today's American English. 3) I have used the Hebrew vav as an 'and' between both the Hebrew letter sequences and the resulting English transliteration parts while still counting its number value of 6. 4) I chose only Hebrew letter sequences that generated at least a first name and middle initial and last name in the correct order, though several show much more than this. Here we go:













These all name the current Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with the titles “Caesar,” “The Beast,” “Satan Son,” and “Satan's.” In Biblical Hebrew, the name Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin contains 3 vavs, or 3 6's (these are the three English 'v's' in his name). These all name and number Vladimir V. Putin as the biblical beast with anywhere from 15 to 23 letters used, as compared to the 6 or 7 used to name Caesar Nero in antiquity. They all include at least his entire first name, at least his middle initial 'V,' and at least his last name. These all name and number Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as the Antichrist.

And this is not all, there is still more evidence to weigh. His middle name means “son of Vladimir.” This is called a “patronymic.” Yet research consistently shows that what we know of Vladimir Putin's ancestry is this: past his paternal grandfather, his ancestry is “unknown.” His family “has no tree.”

There is even more evidence. To Russians, even to this day, the name 'Vladimir' means either “World Ruler” or “Peace Order.” So the name of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin means 'World Ruler Son of World Ruler Putin.' The Bible clearly identifies Satan as “the ruler of this world.” Some Bible prophecy interpreters have found that the Antichrist will bring peace before he brings war. His name then also can mean 'Peace Order Son of Peace Order Putin.' If this role as peacemaker is correctly understood, his name fits it perfectly. It is certain that his name fits that of the “World Ruler” who is the Antichrist.

Now let's look at what the Bible says about the politics of the time of the Antichrist. In Revelation 17:9-11 it says this about the beast:

Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads...are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while. The beast which was and is not is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven and he goes to destruction.

This may seem impossible to understand unless you find yourself in America in 2016 with the following world history at hand and Vladimir Putin is the beast. The Soviet Empire came into existence in 1917. The succession of established Soviet/Russian leaders goes like this: 1. V. Lenin; 2. J. Stalin; 3. N. Khrushchev; 4. L. Brezhnev; 5. M. Gorbachev; 6. B. Yeltsin; 7. Vladimir Putin. The Bible says “The beast is... one of the seven.” Vladimir Putin is the seventh established Soviet/Russian leader.

Note: There have been three other Soviet "leaders," one of them a puppet for Stalin and two of them who both died shortly after taking office not having gained full control. None of them would have counted as "kings."

The Bible says “seven kings...five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while.” Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev “have fallen.” Yeltsin died in 2007. These 5 are the “five have fallen.” Gorbachev is still alive as of this writing, he is the “one is.” Vladimir Putin “is one of the seven” who somehow also is “himself also an eighth.” The Bible is exactly right, because Vladimir Putin “stepped down” after his first two terms as president to be replaced by his hand-picked successor D. Medvedev who immediately appointed Vladimir Putin Prime Minister. Almost no one believes that Vladimir Putin really relinquished power during that time, and he was re-elected President again in 2012, thus historically “is one of the seven” and “himself also an eighth.” The Bible describes perfectly the transitions of power that have occurred and the lives and deaths of the Soviet/Russian “kings” since 1917.

There is still more in the Bible for this day and time. Revelation 17:12-13 says this: “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast.”

There are about 10 “client states” that have continuously supported the Soviet Union/Russia for nearly the past century. I will leave specifically researching them to the reader, to spare these countries the consequences of the wrong kind of attention resulting from their identification here. But they exist nonetheless.

It is worth noting that Vladimir Putin has officially been in power since his first presidential election in 2000 and approaches his seventeenth year of rule in Russia right now (2016). The first 13 years of his rule were marked by surprising international peace and cooperation. His last three years have been marked by escalating international war. Those who are experts in Ezekiel's and Daniel's prophetic ministries can elaborate better than me on the significance of the ratios of such times of peace and times of war during his present reign.

In conclusion, it is of vital importance to understand what is being portrayed here: Through the timing of the second presidency of Vladimir Putin in 2012 and the death of Yeltsin in 2007 while Gorbachev remains still alive today, we have been located precisely into this time frame described by the prophecy of Scripture as during the time of the Antichrist: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the antichrist. The time is indeed short and the days are indeed evil, yet rejoice with great joy that Jesus Is Returning!

To God be the Glory!

William Berning

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“Fear God and give Him glory because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.”

Copyright 2016 by William Berning, All Rights Reserved. Reproduction for private use is permitted: Any and all reproduction for commercial use, licensing, trademarking, and fund raising is strictly prohibited.

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