Which of these is better? To spend your time watching other peoples' lives,

or living your own?

Revelation 13:11-15 says,

Note to Site Visitors:
The Vav-Plus naming system works.

World Be Warned Bible Interpretation And Teaching


A Christian Religious Scholar Scientist Finds A Startling Bible Study

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

The Image Of The Beast Is Already Here

To God be the Glory!

William Berning

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“Fear God and give Him glory because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters.”

Copyright 2016 by William Berning, All Rights Reserved. Reproduction for private use is permitted: Any and all reproduction for commercial use, licensing, trademarking, and fund raising is strictly prohibited.

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If the Antichrist has the number of a man, it only makes sense that the image of the Antichrist would have the same numbers, although this is not explicitly stated in Scripture. Yet it was certainly worth examining using the system I have already described elsewhere on this site.

One of the key things to realize about the image of the beast is that while Revelation makes it clear that the false prophet and the beast and Satan are ultimately thrown into the lake of fire, there is no mention of the image of the beast being punished in any way. This can only mean that the image of the beast is not a human being like the Antichrist and the false prophet, nor is it a fallen angel like Satan. The image of the beast is a thing: non-living.

As you see in the Scripture above, however, it is a thing that has seemingly impossible qualities. It speaks without life. It “breathes” without breath. Because it moves simultaneously throughout the entire world, it must be without depth. It compels and commands yet has no will. Because it has no will, it has no moral accountability. Because it is non-life, by definition, it cannot form relationships so it therefore gives directives in one direction only, yet somehow still receives worship. Its scope and influence are universal. What kind of image could possibly exist with all of these seemingly paradoxical, even seemingly supernatural characteristics? Horribly enough, you are looking at it, without even the necessity of the supernatural. Given Vladimir Putin is alive and active in the world as the antichrist, here then, is this image of the beast already present “everywhere” in the world in 2016, given its numbers are the same as those of the Antichrist:



th_ntrnt'wrldwdwb'www = 6hundred6teen



www'6'ntrnt'wrld'wd'wb'cm = 6hundred6ty6ix

We see the following determined by this procedure to be at least part of the image of the beast:

th_ntrnt'wrldwdwb'www = 6hundred6teen

“the internet ' world wide web ' www”

www'6'ntrnt'wrld'wd'wb'cm = 6hundred6ty6ix

“www ' 6 ' internet ' world ' wide ' web ' com”

These letter sequences are in the form of internet addresses themselves. That is remarkable enough in itself. They at least identify the internet and the world wide web as being part of the image of the beast. But there is much, much more going on here. Let me explain, I promise you it is well worth the long read ahead.

At first, whenever I tried to generate these phrases, the “vav as plus” construction mostly did not work as a connector, which was quite puzzling to me. But then I remembered that internet addresses and world wide web addresses don't have spaces. When I stopped trying to connect them as words and put them together instead only as digital addresses without spaces, everything came together, with one dramatic exception. I was always off by just a few values, say within 2 or 6, and always off by being just below the target numbers of 6hundred6teen and 6hundred6ty6ix. For the first time in this work I was forced to consider using the alphanumeric value “1” to “balance” these “equations.”

Now, the additive value of 1 is represented by the Hebrew letter aleph (א). As it turns out, there is no modern English alphabetical transliteration for aleph, which is why you have not seen it used by me up to this point. While that may not seem so remarkable, what is remarkable is that it is transliterated into today's English by an apostrophe ('), not a letter. The Hebrew letter aleph is transliterated into modern English by an apostrophe, not a letter, and an apostrophe is a kind of dot. A dot. Let me explain further the significance of this aleph “dot” that I have previously not used.

For a very long time, the Phoenicians were credited as the first culture to organize and use an alphabet. This is no longer correct. It is now a scholarly consensus that the earliest alphabet known, from which all other alphabets are descended, came into existence nearly 4000 years ago in Canaan. Specifically, a part of Canaan far from the centers of power and education that existed in those days. It is from this very early, rural Canaanite first alphabet that all alphabetical writing is descended, without exception, and including the Phoenician alphabet. And the letter aleph, the first letter of that first alphabet ever organized and used, dates all the way from that first rural Canaan alphabet to this moment today. The letter aleph, then, is at least nearly 4,000 years old, as are all the associated letters. Further, evidence strongly indicates that this first alphabet was used specifically to record the prayers of its original users – prayers to deity – a spiritual role. God gave these rural and unimportant Canaanite worshipers the first alphabet ever devised, and they used it to record their prayers! Every other major or minor empire of the time was weighed down by hundreds or thousands of characters to record mighty and important things, but these simple Canaanites received the blessing of being able to write about anything and everything using fewer than 30 symbols – symbols that for the first time represented sounds, and not things. This is what makes an alphabet – the characters represent sounds and not things.

What you are witnessing here, then, is beyond incredible: We see the purposeful creation of a letter, aleph, by God, fully intending it to come to represent the “dot” of our internet age today (2016), nearly 4000 years later! Put another way, here, in the time of the antichrist, aleph now is represented by, of all things, a modified dot in 2016 English. A DOT! In our global economy of 2016, virtually all commerce is driven by the internet and the world wide web, and the internet and the world wide web are driven by addresses that MUST contain dots. The internet and the world wide web cannot function without dots. And God shows us today that He purposed it to be so by giving aleph to an obscure, probably Semitic people nearly 4,000 years ago, then providing the key to unlocking this mystery nearly 2000 years ago in the Book of Revelation, and making certain then that it could be understood today.

This is hard evidence toward God being behind these findings I am reporting to you – including that the image of the beast has the same number as the beast. But there is still even more here to be found.

The most universally known and coveted web addresses are the .com ones, also globally known as “dot coms”. Remember “The Dot Com Stock Market Crash” in 2000 and beyond? That “Dot Com Crash” precipitated an even bigger market crash in 2001 that pummeled the U.S. economy for years. To the vast majority of people, 'dot com' is synonymous with the internet. Let's look again at what came up as an image of the beast having the number of the beast:

th_ntrnt'wrldwdwb'www = 6hundred6teen

“the internet ' world wide web ' www”

www'6'ntrnt'wrld'wd'wb'cm = 6hundred6ty6ix

“www ' 6 ' internet ' world ' wide ' web ' com”

I trust no one disagrees that these perfectly represent the actual forms of internet and world wide web addresses, which is astonishing enough in itself. But the fact that the second one goes so far as to specify the particular importance of the .com parts of domain names is again beyond amazing, it is transcendent. God's purpose in signifying "dot com” stands clear here. Remember too, I was forced into using the Hebrew letter aleph to make the number of the image of the beast work as you see above, it was only later that I found out that it was transliterated as a modified dot. I did not seek it out because it was a dot, I sought it out because it had a numerical value of “1.” And it inarguably worked.

It is beyond staggering to see the foresight of God in preparing the world to fulfill His prophecies. To have found it without even looking for it at first is even more convincing for me personally, yet you have no reason to believe that part of my research. But when it came to that, I just had to decide whether transliterating aleph as an apostrophe (') instead of an actual period (.) was a “deal-killer” on interpreting this as genuinely portraying the internet and the world wide web era. Would I dismiss this finding on what could be an image of the beast in our world today on the basis of a slight variation between two dots? For me, it was no contest. In fact, I found it so convincing that it is here on this website being reported to you all.

I accepted it as representing the dot in internet and web addresses. But I believe that all of this is sufficient evidence for you to accept it as well. I believe that the internet and the world wide web are part of the image of the beast, present and active in the world of 2016 today. The internet and the world wide web are an integral part of the closest thing to a universal communication medium we have, and together they are exclusively built upon dot addresses. And as I mentioned on the writeup on Vladimir Putin being the antichrist, all world wide web addresses (www's) all start with the number sequence “6-6-6,” not “6hundred6ty6ix,” but 6 6 6. As you can now see, the 6's are even more significant. The image of the beast specifically includes the internet and the world wide web.

So the image of the beast is already present, but it is present even more than you think – the internet and the world wide web are just a part of it. I had to present these findings first, however, to support the contention that the image of the beast actually does have the numbers 6hundred6teen and 6hundred6ty6ix associated with it. It does.

                          The Rest Of The Image Of The Beast

If the image of the beast actually does have the numbers 6hundred6teen and 6hundred6ty6ix associated with them, here is what the rest of the image of the beast looks like:


6LBC_6ZVM_6VTD_PHSRW_6DWYLLH_B = 6hundred6teen



6LBC_6ZVM_6VTDH_6DWYLLH_GNPHSRW = 6hundred6ty6ix


Let us look at these, the rest of the image of the beast:

B_HLLYWD6_WRSHP_DTV6_MVZ6_CBL6 = 6hundred6teen

WRSHPNG_HLLYWD6_HDTV6_MVZ6_CBL6 = 6hundred6ty6ix

Please note that I did not make these have Channel 6's, I found they had Channel 6's. Calling something a channel and appending a number to it would be an absolutely befuddling thing for the Apostle John to see in his prophetic vision recorded in Revelation, but it is so much a part of our world culture that you probably didn't even notice that there were channel numbers attached until I pointed it out to you. We have been thoroughly and completely brainwashed into thinking Hollywood, TV, Movies, Cable, and The Internet And The World Wide Web are reality. But they are not reality, they are images. Images. Jesus said the deception would be so great that even the very elect would be deceived, if that were possible. “Even the very elect would be deceived...” Jesus said.

The image of the beast, in its entirety then, is Hollywood6, DTV6, HDTV6, Movies6, and Cable6, together with The Internet And The World Wide Web. The image of the beast is here, in nearly full power and nearly full reach.

Notice that the expressions DTV and HDTV are specifically included. That fact alone is intriguing enough, but their presence also specifies a timeline for the image of the beast. In America these have become mandatory only in the last 10 years (2009). This seemingly insignificant fact actually locates the heart of digital TV transmission into the same time frame as Vladimir Putin going from being the seventh and on his way to becoming the eighth head of the beast from the sea, as I described on my first page. Remember that the beast from the sea is the Soviet Union/Russia. And also remember that once Putin became president again in 2012 while Gorbachev was still alive, this signaled the beginning of Putin's being given authority to rule as the antichrist.

This also must, then, have signaled the rise of the image of the beast as the predestined tool of Satan described in Revelation. This also then, horribly, means that the arising of the false prophet himself is next. I cannot let this intersection of events that God has foretold pass without warning everyone who is reading this what it means, for America and the world. Anyone presently ascending in power who admires the ways of the antichrist Vladimir Putin of Russia is the most likely man to be the false prophet. The two horns of the lamb from Revelation mean he starts out in two different minor positions of power, “but he speaks as a dragon” throughout and comes into great worldly power, and deceives many, many people. America is the greatest world power right now, without question, even greater than Putin's Russia, but the Scripture is crystal clear that the false prophet will arise from a mighty nation that controls the image of the beast, and we are that nation. I love America, but I cannot overstate the danger we are in, that we are about to produce the false prophet here, now, in 2016, who will glorify the antichrist Vladimir Putin. My heart breaks for our future, and I will expand on the false prophet on my next page to come, Lord willing.

To conclude this page, then, remember, that the false prophet will demand worship of the image of the beast. Paul the Apostle describes spiritual worship in this way, in Romans 12:1-3:

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice,  acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may approve what the will of God is, that which is good and well-pleasing and perfect. For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.

Paul defines worship here very specifically as presenting our bodies as living and holy sacrifices acceptable to God. This then means that ungodly worship is defined as presenting our bodies as living and unholy sacrifices that are rejected by God. The image of the beast in its entirety is Hollywood6, DTV6, HDTV6, Movies6, and Cable6, together with The Internet And The World Wide Web. Where does your habit of “watching” the image of the beast take you? Any image intended to deceive is an evil image. This is certain: you become what you worship.

Further, Paul the Apostle writes, “bad company corrupts good morals.” When any of you open any of these images into your life, you are inviting them into your life. You are inviting them into your home. When you open TV, movies, cable, the internet and world wide web, and Hollywood into your life, you are inviting TV, movies, cable, the internet and world wide web, and Hollywood into your life. You are inviting them into your home. God never laughs at sin, why do we? God is never entertained by mass murder, mayhem, destruction and death, why are we? God never is enthralled by occult practices. Why are we? God always condemns watching sexual practices over and over again anywhere, while we worship watching them over and over again anywhere. God calls greed idolatry: try separating greed from Hollywood, TV, movies, cable, and the internet and the world wide web. You can't. The sellers of greed are the sellers of idolatry, and that is what these images sell. That is what the image of the beast sells – idolatry. I don't have the space to list all of this, but the Bible does. Revelation 21:8 says this,

But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Read that again and remember what you are planning on watching today or tonight, remembering again that the Bible calls greed “idolatry.” Read that again and ask yourself what builds you up in holiness and what contaminates you with lust and perversion and pride and covetousness and greed and deception? Actually, just pray and ask God “what am I doing watching this?” And listen to His response.

If you control something it becomes a tool, if something controls you it becomes a god. Most of humanity is presently worshiping the image of the beast already in the form of the internet, the world wide web, Hollywood, movies, cable and TV. Taken together, these mass media forms do exactly this, from my write up above on the characteristics of the image of the beast described in Revelation. If John the Apostle prophetically saw someone watching a video, monitor, television, computer or movie screen in 2016, what would he have seen? He would have seen an image that is a thing. He would have seen an image that is non-living. He would have seen an image that speaks without life. He would have seen an image that breathes without breath. He would have seen an image that moves simultaneously throughout the entire world. He would have seen an image without depth. He would have seen an image that compels and commands, yet has no will of its own and no moral accountability. He would have seen an image that cannot form relationships and gives its directives in one direction only. He would have seen an image whose scope and influence are universal. And he would have seen an image that is so globally worshiped that people completely order their lives around these images. He saw the image of the beast, and we see it today, everywhere. It is here.

Finally, consider this, if everyone who claims Christ spent as much time with Him in prayer and Bible study as they do watching TV, movies, cable, doing the internet and the world wide web, and adoring Hollywood, what would their lives look like? If everyone who claims Christ spent on God's kingdom work as much money as they spend on watching TV, movies, cable, doing the internet and the world wide web, and adoring Hollywood, what would Christianity look like? Note that I did not ask what would church look like, I asked what would Christianity look like. This is deliberate. When the world and the churches look the same, they are the same, and they are worshiping the same evil things. Again, Jesus said the deception would be so great that even the very elect would be deceived, if that were possible. And He is calling that very elect, right now, to stop worshiping what the world worships and return to worshiping only Him, in holiness and purity and truth. Amen.

Where the greatest revelation has been given is where the greatest judgment will fall.